To our Clients and Industry Colleagues,
Medical Meetings and Face to Face Event Management would like to thank everyone for their professionalism, patience and assistance in this once in a hundred year occurrence that hit our industry like a freight train in mid March.
The Australian Events Industry, a sector that generates $23 billion, was effectively shut down overnight with the Federal Government's ban of indoor gatherings of 100+ people from 18 March 2020. This thrust the Australian Events Industry on the front line of economic fallout. The ban is expected to last at least six months so income stream for most of us has ceased for that period of time. This has had a devastating effect on airline, hotel, hospitality and all other associated industries and we are thinking of all our Industry colleagues at this time.
We all understand the necessity for these arrangements.
We at MM and F2F temporarily closed our Sydney and Melbourne offices last Friday based on the Government directive and all staff are now up and running from home. We have been busy the past 3 weeks preparing for the inevitable work from home situation to ensure all systems are go.
Whilst our team have been busy working with our clients and industry colleagues to reschedule meetings and events from September onwards, I want to thank them all for their pro-active and positive attitude during this negative time. They are thinking outside of the box, working on various manuals and keeping busy on various projects, work from home handbook, streamlining systems and self learning that will keep our minds busy and put us in a good position to better service our clients when the world starts to return to some normality and business resumes again.
We are also busily working to present a range of new virtual meeting options which are both cost effective and deliverable at this unique time when we remain more indoors than out. There are many things we can do as opposed to focusing on the infrastructure that has been taken away albeit temporarily.
We know all of us are anxious about what is going to happen next and the uncertainty, and that everything we know as normal in our day to day lives has now changed so quickly.
There is no more important time to be kind to our fellow human beings, abide by government regulations, reach out to those in need and look after each other like never before.
We are all in this together there are no exemptions.